Walk with me this February for women’s aid
Each year in business I choose 3 charities, the first is Women’s Aid. I have signed up for their Walk 80km in February Challenge and I am inviting you to join me. Women’s Aid is a charity supporting women experiencing domestic abuse.
This is an area very close to my heart. Unfortunately, the pandemic has increased the intensity and levels of domestic violence. It is through community and connecting with others that really helps makes a difference. There is nothing more valuable than having someone to walk beside you and with you in times of need. I have been lucky to have that invaluable support in the last 2 years.
I am inviting you to join me on a walk during February. I have a fundraising page and you are welcome to give if you can. However, my main goal is to create a community, a connection and a sense of belonging so that you can show up as you are and know that there is always someone there. Where we support & empower each other. Where no-one is left behind.
How can you be part of this journey?
Would you like to meet a day in February for a walk? As I embark on this challenge, it would be great to use the opportunity to meet and catch up with you over the coming month. (And don’t worry I am not asking you to do the 80km, unless you want to). I love exploring new places too, so if you have a favourite local place to walk I’d love to hear.
You can also follow my walks on Instagram and Facebook. It would be great hearing from you, message and share if you are out walking or follow along if are looking for a little motivation. I will be sharing some snippets of each walk, some mindful walk practices, thoughts and favourite songs.
I have created some Walk with Noeleen playlists on Spotify, which I will share with you over the month. Let me know your favourite songs to listen to while walking, or for some positive, feel good vibes…we might get a requests playlist together.
Finally, a massive thank you to everyone who has donated already to such a worthy charity. Donations through my fundraising page are welcome. As Women’s Aid is one of my 3 charities for 2022, I will also be giving them a percentage of my own takings this year. So when you attend for any treatments, coaching, classes, workshops or retreats part of your payment will be going to Women’s Aid.
When I decided to do the Walk 80km Challenge for Women’s Aid I didn’t know how much more relevant it would be on hearing the tragic news of Aishling Murphy. I will be holding her in my heart, along with all the women and children who have faced or are facing abuse of any form. This challenge is dedicated to each one.
Let’s create something new & walk together…
ONE step at a time!
Are you up for the challenge?