Turn inwards this autumn – yin yoga workshop
As we settle into Autumn our surroundings are calling us to slow down and cultivate the art of letting go and surrendering, enriching ourselves by drawing inwards and finding meaning.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the season of autumn correlates to the element of Metal representing change and transformation. Metal is associated with the Lung and Large Intestine organ systems, which govern respiration and elimination. It is the season that governs organisation, setting limits and protecting boundaries by letting go of all that no longer serves you and creating space for the new.
I invite you to join me for this specially curated 2-hour workshop and drop into a quieter, stiller space, where you will explore long-held (2-5 minutes) yin yoga poses focusing on stimulating the Lung and Large Intestine meridians helping strengthen respiratory function, improve digestive health and increase overall immunity.
Yin yoga:
- Promotes the flow of energy along the meridian lines, which are used in Chinese medicine, clearing any blockages, easing pain and restoring balance.
- Focuses on releasing the fascia and connective tissue of the body.
- Gives us a change to explore yin’s subtle balance of strength and softness, stillness and movement, awareness and non-awareness, ease and effort, offering time for self-enquiry and reflection.
- Teaches us to become still in our body and mind – connecting back with our breath and how we feel in our bodies.
- Encourages softness in the body and emphasises relaxing muscular tissue.
The session will end with a nourishing yoga nidra practice, which allows the mind to stay inwardly alert engaging in a mediative enquiry, while the body rests deeply.
You will leave feeling refreshed, calm and nourished from the inside out.
Immerse yourself in integrative health practices proven to soothe your nervous system, promoting rest-and-digest, improved mood, anxiety and stress relief, hormonal balance and cell regeneration.
Venue: Wholegreen Wellness & Yoga
Date: Saturday 23rd October
Investment: €30
*Booking is essential – suitable for all levels.